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Ali@ 3:36am 02-02-2016
I'm an English teacher and I was looking for listening exercises on numbers and I've found this! Thank you so much for setting up such a wonderful website. Keep up the good work. You might perhaps consider setting up another site on spelling letters?
César@ 4:15am 01-24-2016
This site is great! It's very useful for me. Thank you very much!
Aitsik@ 5:13pm 10-31-2015
Very good site. Could you tell us the difference between : number , figure , numeral . Thank in advance.
Alan@ 1:38am 09-19-2015
Great site compatible not only with Chrome but also with Firefox.
Bibii@ 12:09pm 08-19-2015
Very easy to understand
marjan@ 2:35pm 08-02-2015
this web site very useful.thanks alot
An Pham@ 1:09pm 07-05-2015
Your website is useful for me. Thank you very very much!!
Gina@ 7:07pm 05-04-2015
To Tom Riedmiller:
Thank you very much for finding such a mistake.
I have already corrected it. Sometimes even English native speakers make mistakes in pronunciation. ^^
Tom Riedmiller@ 10:25pm 04-08-2015
Hi! Great website and service. I really appreciate this as do my students. I assign sections of this websites for my academic speaking classes. One things.... a student found one item (see below) that says "thirteen" when the number should be "thirty". Just wanted to let you know.


30-45 = -15 (Thirty minus forty-five equals negative fifteen.)
Datao@ 8:04pm 04-08-2015
It's very useful for me.Thank you very much

From Gina:
Good for you. You're welcome. ^^
Sam@ 9:13pm 03-22-2015
I learned the way of saying years in English from this website which is very useful. Thank you so much!

From Gina:
I'm glad that my lessons are useful and helpful. You're welcome. ^^
Huy Vo@ 7:33pm 01-23-2015
I just wanna say "thank you" so much

From Gina:
It's my pleasure. ^^
brian.luo@ 8:38am 12-05-2014
hi Gina,

one more suggestion, can you mix all number with different length, which will increase slightly the difficulty, but more helpful.
but current practice also is wonderful for me. thank you very much.
brian.luo@ 8:20am 12-05-2014
Hi Gina,

can you update more practice for all items, which will be more helpful for ESL learning to improve.
thank you.

From Gina:
Hi, Brian. Thanks for your feedback. I'll think about it. ^^
Reza@ 1:55am 11-13-2014
Thanks. Please consider adding a quiz section for various number length.

From Gina:
Reza, thank you for your suggestions. ^^

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